
 来源:http://www.jufengjiaobanji.com 日期:2021-07-12 发布人:admin
As a new type of concrete mixer, crawler concrete mixer has many advantages
Effectively solve the problem of climbing overflow: large hopper design, easier to fill concrete, unique hopper sealing design. The problem of overflow during climbing is solved.
Good wear resistance of parts: the discharge tank at the rear end is covered with highly wear-resistant materials, which greatly improves the wear resistance and service life. The argon automatic welding technology is adopted for the mixing tank and blade, and the service life of the mixing tank and blade made of wear-resistant materials is more than doubled.
Convenient for flushing and adding water: the four-way waterway design and tank body flushing, adding water in the tank and cleaning the hopper at the material inlet are more convenient.
Easy operation: the control structure on both sides of the cab is set to make the loading and unloading more convenient, especially suitable for rainy days and muddy roads.
In the process of construction, the rain weather is very troublesome. This year, there is a lot of rain in many places. It does not affect the work of the concrete mixer truck master. Many places are frequented by rain. In the rainy season, the concrete mixer truck master should pay more attention to "wash hands frequently, drink boiled water, eat cooked food, do a good job in environmental hygiene", and pay attention to health.
The concrete mixer truck operators in Dashan area pay close attention to the rainfall forecast and actual situation; Patrol in dangerous areas such as mountains, cliffs and gullies; Do a good job in monitoring and early warning and early warning information release; When finding signs of danger, we should take the initiative to prevent and avoid, so as to ensure the safety of people's lives.